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Post-operative Rehabilitation

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Post-Operative Rehabilitation

Post-operative rehab is a type of rehabilitation program that is designed to help patients recover from surgery. The goal of post-operative rehab is to help patients regain their strength, mobility, and function as quickly and safely as possible.

The specific type of post-operative rehab that a patient requires will depend on the type of surgery they had and their individual needs. Some common types of post-operative rehab include: 

The Treatment You Get

In addition to the specific types of rehab mentioned above, there are several general principles that apply to post-operative rehab:

Aliquam ex nibh, rhoncus quis mi nec, imperdiet mattis est. Suspendisse potenti. Duis vestibulum magna quis suscipit tempus. Nunc pretium placerat condimentum. Praesent sed turpis ut sem bibendum euismod ut in lacus. Quisque congue gravida interdum. Quisque vitae placerat lorem. Praesent sapien nibh, pellentesque vitae tincidunt eu, tempus at nibh.

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